Detailed dishes.

Elaborating the menu for kitchen and bar

Rivera People updates or creates from the very start dishes and beverages for your menu, creating detailed recipes.

The first step is to prepare a technical task for the project, so that we can define the price and our goals. Everything is taken into account, from a prime cost to your concept and capacity.

For every item on the menu we will elaborate a recipe with the precise calculations for all the ingredients and thorough description of the cooking process step by step.

While elaborating the dishes we consider:

• Product matrix of the restaurant;
• Technological equipment of the restaurant;
• Restaurant capacity: schedule, average daily workload, qualification level of the staff members;
• The required prime cost;
• The whole concept of the restaurant;
• Individual requirements.

We are not indifferent, therefore after introducing you the recipes we are ready to consult you on the implementation of the items. We would also be happy to help you implement a new menu, for the work to go smooth and the guests to stay satisfied.

Probably, you will become interested in increasing the employees' qualification. For this purpose we not only have a service of staff educating, but the whole school for future professionals of the restaurant market. Contact us via phone or e-mail to learn more!
The price depends on your goal and is calculated individually. Contact us to get a consultation for your project.

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